Saturday, May 10, 2008

Love rules!!

It is amazing how life can take turns n you can be left wondering about it.. This first blog comes from me after I have come back from my cousin's wedding... Had an awesome time... total masti. Weddings up north are known grandeur, lavishnes, glitter, food, dance n much more... but in this wedding it was the Ladkewale who stood out... their simplicity, dressing (a total opposite of Punjabi dresing style), customsn their punctuality took the cake.. The wedding couldn't have been any better than this...

Talking about the bride n the groom... well what can I say... They looked damn nice...

Past few years in my maternal family everybody was wondering when will Neha (the bride) get married... n one day (when I was in Mumbai last year) i get a call that she is getting married and Keshav (groom) n her met over the net... i was like 'ehxcuse me!!!!' does this actually happen... i was not sure.. there has to be a catch...well i was wrong.. they chatted their ways into each other' hearts... amazing I say!!! Ji haan bilkul kahani poori filmi hai... (copied this line from jeeju's blog).

I had spoken to jeeju like five days before the d day.. for a purpose though.. i had to ask for my kalichdi.. [a custom of jeeja's of the punjabi world to give their beloved ;) saalis rings before the bidaai although i got mine after that but a nice n cute gold ring]... wen u talk to someone there's n instant reaction, mine was great he has a sense of humour but he maros PJs also...n the fact that he likes calvin n hobbes n is a reader also, struck with me.

During the three days- engagment day, wedding day n the next day.... got to know how someone can love a person so much.. i mean being from a family where love marriages that too in different caste n religion hardly happen this mariage was an eye opener for i think everybody in my family... They were mighty impressed with jeeju n his family...

The only dissapointment for me in this wedding was i could not steal the shoes but i tried.. where i could have got atleat 5100 rupees i had to settle for 1000 bucks... jeeju's brother Hari n brother in law n not to forget his cousins did a good job of hiding the shoes before ne of us ladkiwalas...

I hope their love continues like this forever afterall they have taken 14 feras (its a long story to explain)... wishing them all the luck in life ahead.

As start my blog with this post I graduate from writing in my journal to writing on a blog... {all the celebrities are doing it y cant I :))}



Esha said...

Good start with a nice post. keep writing and continue the enthusiasm. All the best!

lotsa love


Unknown said...

i read ur toatl philmy estory!!! gud one zu can make another movie :)
start writing movie scripts yaar!!

Arcopol Chaudhuri said...

Hey..even I fell in love for the first time, through the net. Chatting on Yahoo messenger! Those were the days.. when Google talk wasn't there. :)
But the point is.. "Those were the days!"

Chennakeshav Adya said...

Wow! I didnt realise apni kahaani itni filmi hai, ki log usi se blogging shuru karenge! Very well written! Keep blogging and keep your ears and eyes open, and keep checking mails/messenger posts/! Who knows, Mr.Right may already have read this :) We have a lot of expectations from you(considering your 1 month filmi stint/training :-)