Thursday, May 15, 2008

The 3 mistakes of my life!- What was Bhagat thinking?

When I got to know about the launch of 'The 3 mistakes of my life', I wanted to pick up the book ASAP and why not when the author is Chetan Bhagat. Although I din't like One night @ call center much I thought the 3rd book will definitly have something different.

Well, I guess I expected too much.... When I started reading the book, the prologue was quite filmy but I still had hope... But I was disappointed... rather highly disappointed. I mean what was Bhagat thinking... true that people swear by 'Five point someone' when they talk about humour n wit in a novel which can be like by all age groups but I think he took his readers for granted this time...

The book starts with Bhagat recieving an email in Singapore from a businessman who was gonna attempt suicide n how he goes to India to find out the whole story... Set in Gujarat, book talks about the life of 3 friends and how they cope up with different situations, how they come through an earthquake, riots n more. Filmy to the core I say... Govind Patel the main guy has this thing in mind that he is a businessman by mind n heart n talks his 2 other friends into opening a cricket shop. Everything works out well, they earn profits and then suddenly the tragedy strikes. Meanwhile, Govind is romancing his best friends' sister (who I must say is quite bold in the relationship) and making out on the terrace of the girl's house. Uff!! reminds me of a Emraan Hashmi movie. The books ends with how the 3 friends save a boy in Godhra riots, Ish finding about Govind and his sister and the fiasco after that.

I think with all the scripts Bhagat is writing for Bollywood and his former two books being adapted by film-makers, he has taken this filmy fundas a tad too seriously.

So, if you have already read this book, then I know how you feel and if you haven't then please take this free advice for once, don't waste your time. The book is not worth it! (Imagine I finished reading it in 3 working days. And the worst part is that I have an exam this Saturday but I cut out on the study time to finish this book. Stupid of me I say!)

I just hope Bhagat realises soon and concentrates on one thing either writing novels or doing the bollywood thing- the scripts and adaptations of his books.


1 comment:

Yogesh said...

hey..i share similar viewpoint...
check out!