Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why I like power cuts (well, sometimes)

Thankfully, for past few years power cuts have been featuring less in our lives here in East Delhi, but they do make an appearance once in a while. Like the other night electricity was AWOL for more than four hours.

Though the first couple of hours of this TV-less, AC-less time was unbearable, things changed when my parents came back after watching Chalo Dilli. They liked it immensely. And then as sleep evaded all four (mom, dad, brother and myself) of us, we all sat in the same room just talking. Mom, dad told us about how they really liked Vinay Pathak’s role and acting in the movie. From the movie the conversation drifted to something else and more.

In about two hours, we discussed politics, sports, movies and laughed like crazy on jokesKetan and I told. How Atlas and antakshari were our favourite time pass during when we were kids. And how studying under the candle light was so passé.

It’s not that we don’t sit together any other time. It’s just that usually it’s meet, talk about the day, watch a little TV (read IPL/or some reality show) and go ahead with your own business. Sad, I know. But this power cut made me realise how busy in our own lives we are. Time and priorities have certainly changed a lot.

So basically, I know that lives will go on as usual, but from now on I will definitely make an effort to chat/discuss/talk more with my family 'cause these moments will always stay with me like many others.